Thursday, October 15, 2009

I've brought out the big guns...what do I do next?

So this is actually an update on a previous post I made about cookies and my teacher. You see, I brought him some more cookies, and I don't know what to do next. This is where you come in. Anyway, here are the cookies.

Big Gun Cookies (peanut butter with dark chocolate chips)

1/2 cup softened butter 1/2 cup peanut butter 1 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup white sugar 2 eggs 2 tablespoons light corn syrup 2 tablespoons water 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups dark chocolate morsils

I made these cookies, and brought them to his classroom. The same situation ensued. I couldn't really say anything to him. Its not that I am trying to pursue anything with this man. I don't even know him! Its just that this is the way I am around guys that I like. Or even think are cute. I freeze up and loose all sense of normalcy. For some reason, I just can't be myself. But this one in particular, for whatever reason, really makes me nervous. But I like to flirt, so I do it in whatever way I can find. Words just aren't my forte. Baking is.

So yesterday he asked me to come by his room sometime to pick up my tupperware so I could refill them with more cookies. I asked him what kind he wanted next, and he said he always has oatmeal raisin on the mind. So this morning I stopped by his classroom before school started. He was busy in the back of the room, but I could see the green lids of the containers on his desk, so I walked over there and picked them up. I looked over, and he was looking up at me, so I kinda held the containers up so he could see that I was taking them. He said "See ya later, Barrie" and I smiled and walked out. Without saying anything, of course. When I got back to my classroom, I opened my backpack to put the containers in it, when I noticed something in one of the bowls. So I popped it open, and there was an envelope sitting there. I flipped it over, and it was addressed to "Hot Cookie Baking Biker Chic". I lost my breath for a second! My whole face turned red, in front of the whole class. Luckily no one was paying attention to me. Inside the envelope was a hallmark card with a cute smiling bug on it, kind of a girly, purple card. Printed on the inside, it read "Just wanted to bring a smile your way. Thanks" and he had signed it.

Now, its natural for my woman brain to read to much into this, like we do with everything. Over analizing is a curse to many of us. (Trust me, we know we do it, we know it drives men nuts. We just can't help it) It was just a thank you card, right? It just means his mother raised him to be a polite young man, and thank someone when they do something nice for you or give you a gift. But he knows my name. He didn't have to write the 'hot' part on there. Why would he do that? Just being playful I guess. But what do I do next? How do I respond? Should I make him his refill, and sneak a little note in it? But I have no idea what I would say. Or how I would address it. I could leave it alone and do nothing. But thats not productive. Logically, I know that this sort of thing never happens in real life. He's not even allowed to associate with students outside of school. But in my own girly little way, it is kind of fun to day dream about what could happen. But of course, I don't wanna go out on a limb, and make a total ass of myself and then have to see him at school every day. But on the other hand, what if he does think I'm cute? What if he really could possibly be interested? And then I sat back and did nothing... lost opportunities and all that. WHAT DO I DO? Of course, I know what I'll do... nothing! Because I'm a wimpy scardy cat with no self esteem or confidence.


  1. I think it's cute that
    a.) You baked him cookies.
    b.) He bought a card.
    c.) You're flustered.

    Welcome to the club!

  2. Barrie,
    Some insight from someone old enough to be your mother... guys do not buy Hallmark cards or write "Hot Cookie Baking Biker Chick" unless they are interested. Even if his mother had raised him right, that would have only lead to a post-it on the lid that said "Thanks".

    It's fun to be the butterflies in someone else's stomach for a change isn't it?

    Now given that he is your professor and you the student, I'd keep this relationship to the most innocent flirting... until you graduate of course.

    Make him those Oatmeal Raisin. Add a quick note (Hallmark or otherwise) saying, something like "Hot from the oven. Enjoy."

    Looking forward to reading where this all takes you... and your recipe for the aforementioned cookies ;-).
