Saturday, October 31, 2009

Great minds think alike.

So as you know, Cookie Professor (Thanks for the great name, Blogging To a Better Bonnie!) and I have been flirting back and forth for a while now. But we don't see each other every day. And sometimes a week will go by before one of us does something for the other. But apparently we both decided yesterday was a good day to flirt.

So I carried out my plan with the sugar. Although I couldn't drum up anything clever enough to pass my super critical standards. So I put a measuring cup full of exactly one cup of sugar tied with curled ribbon in a Halloween bag with no note. And I gave it to a girl friend of mine who just happens to be in his class right now. And I knew when she gave it to him, he would know exactly who it was from, and it wouldn't need a note.

So after school that afternoon, she came to me in the parking lot. And I was kind of anxious to hear about his reaction. She told me he didn't look inside the bag with her standing there. But later he did sneak her the container I gave him with cookies about a week ago. So handed it to me. Now, its a clear container, and I thought it was empty. But when I got home, I saw that there was another envelope taped to the lid so no one could see it when the container was closed.

I was so excited and nervous at the same time I didn't know what to do at first. I sat it on the table in front of me and considered not opening it. I guess I was scared it was something negative! Of course I would want to read it if it were more flirting. But there was a part of me that was worried that he might be telling me that I've been totally inappropriate and that I'm a student and I shouldn't bake for him or write him anymore. But it was addressed to "Cookie Babe". That's still flirtatious! How could it be negative with him being so playful?

Of course I was just being paranoid and over analyzing things as usual. I can't recite it verbatim, and I'm at work, so its not here with me. But the card said something about how he wants me to come check in with him after I leave him. (the words leave me were emphasized with underlines and whatnot) Then it said "You make my day!!" and the two exclamation marks had a half circle under them turning them into smiley faces. Which I thought was cheesy and sweet. So here goes my over analysis again. He didn't say 'you made my day' like past tense. As in, when I gave him the cookies, that day I had made. He said it present tense. Like I MAKE his day, more often then once. And also, if this was innocent and playful, he would have no reason to hide it. But he had taped up the envelope so no one else could see it was there. As in, he could get in trouble for it. Implying that his intentions are the same as mine, and not so innocent.

So I have the card sitting next to the last. I'm starting a collection. I don't know what to do next. Wait it out, I guess. Usually, I'll do something, then the ball is in his court. Or vise versa. But this time, we did something on the same day. So whose turn is it? I don't know. I'm just gonna give it a week or two and see what happens. The next three weeks in school will be really hard for me, anyway. You'll probably be hearing a lot about that coming up. To those who read, thanks so much for your support and kind words!


  1. Your little flirts with Cookie Professor is like a little sugar rush!
    Don't overthink. But don't be naive either. That's a hard road, but you can do it!

    Hope the next weeks go well.

  2. Firstly, you are more than welcome for the "cookie professor" moniker. I hope it gets lots of use over the future of your post as this story is very fun to read play out.
    I agree with Nancy on this (PS Nanc, how are your feeling?) that you should not over-think but don't be naive either. These student teacher relationships are difficult to negotiate. It may be nothing but "innocent" flirting for some time ahead. But you are right to think that "you Make my day" is an ongoing feeling versus "you Made my day". He is clearly smitten with you! You two are so cute!
    Concentrate on your school work for the next few weeks. There will be time enough for flirting when the work is done.
    Can't wait to here more.
