Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Did you hear that its illegal for women to pump gas?

Or at least thats the excuse I'm going with. I actually tried to get gas yesterday. But the gas station had little 'out of order' bags over all of their pumps. And I sincerely tried to make it to the next station. But it proved to be just too far away. So I ran out. And there I was, sitting on my motorcycle, at about 11:00 last night, on my way home from work. Stranded.

Now in my hometown in Georgia, in that situation, I would quickly be annoyed with the amount of people stopping to ask if I needed assistance. But here in the lovely city of Orlando, not a single Floridiot stopped in the HOUR I sat there. I had my hazard lights on, and I was just sitting there on the shoulder of an extremely busy street. Huge transfer trucks wouldn't even slow down when they passed me, even though it was loud and scarey and their force would blow me to the side. Probably 100 cars passed me in the time I sat there waiting for help, along with 4 bicyclists, and 1 cop. And not a single "are you okay?" or "can I help" or even a "hey... get the f* outa the way, woman!".

I think I would have felt differently about it if I had been in a car. Or if it had been daylight. But I have to say, the way it played out, just down right sucked! But I'm over it. I made it home safe and sound. And with enough time to get a whole 5 hours of sleep before school!

Now, here's your lesson to be learned from this. This comes with an explaination, but stick with me, and you'll learn something valuable. Learn from my mistakes! Isn't that what blogging is all about? Normally I put the high grade fuel in my bike. I don't know why. I guess because when I bought my bike, my ex told me thats what I should do. And its more expensive, so it has to be better, right? Well, the only difference in the fuels is the octane level. And octance is just fuel's resistance to detonation. So the expensive stuff, the higher octane, just burns slower. And when you're motor was made, it was made to work with a certain octane rating of fuel. So read your owners manual, and put the stuff your car calls for into it, even if its the cheap stuff. Your car will run better, and get better gas milage. Now, I don't know where my owner's manual is, so I don't know what I'm supposed to use. But I decided to try the mid-grade for once. See if there was a performance difference between it and the 93 octane. The only difference I found is that my gas milage got WAY crappier! So when I thought I had like 10 or so miles left before I was stranded, I was very wrong. And instead I was looking like an idiot calling my friends to save me. So lessen learned!

Hope this helps!


  1. Thank goodness you're OK. A woman on a side of the road from 11pm to midnight? A whole lot worse could have happened to you then rude Floridiots (I love that, BTW) whizzing by.

    I don't know anything about motors but I do know this... you'll never run out of gas if you top it off once a week. Just a friendly, unsolicited suggestion.

    And be safe out there. I'm still waiting to hear how things are going with Cookie Professor ;-).

  2. Whats up with the Cookie Professor?! *great name by the way :)*

  3. The gas tank on my motorcycle only holds 4 gallons! And because of the distance between my apartment, school, and work, I have to fill up 3 times a week. So to avoid getting low, I'd literally have to stop and top it off every day!

  4. I didn't consider that. 4 gallons, huh? That does change things.

    Well, if you're going to run out of gas, at least try to do it near Cookie Professor so he gets to come to your aid... since he hasn't come through with any cookies yet! ;-)
