Friday, March 12, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

So I've just gotten in a small spat with a co worker. He's a new co worker. A semi-boss. He likes to throw his weight around and show that he's a boss. But since I'm a semi-boss as well, I don't like to take it. Especially since I've been here a year. It also doesn't help that this job just puts me through school, so I don't care for it too much. Unfortunately for him, he's made retail into a life long career to support his family.

Did I mention that on my way home to Georgia monday, I got a flat tire? On I-75 in downtown Atlanta! Six lanes of traffic in either direction at 10 pm and not one person offered help. I've never changed the tire on a car before. But I did it. Out there in the dark with no instruction. It was easier than I thought, and felt good to be independant.

With my recent troubles in school, my finacial hardships, and my relationship issues, I really could use a pick me up! So here it goes. I will name some things about life that make me sincerely happy to the core. And maybe it will get me through to another day. Here goes nothin...

-the way freshly picked daffodil stems feel when I squish them between my fingers
-making crowns and necklaces out of small flowers and leaving the green goo in my fingernails
-rubbing tiny kittens' soft fur on my face (everyone does it)
-almost any flavor of Ben and Jerry's ice cream
-watching movies on a rainy day with my boo stroking my hair
-playing Cribbage with my mother
-baking the ugliest birthday cake ever and having everyone tell you how beautiful and delicious it is...the supportive lies are very kind
-newborn baby's cry or a small toddler's laugh
-reading a good book, the kind you can't put down and are disappointed when you finish it in two days
-brand new box of crayons and coloring book when I don't feel well (you don't get too old for that)
-the rumble you feel in your chest when riding down the road on a motorcycle...really gets my blood pumpin.

aaaahhhhhh...feels better already. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful list. I'd print this out and stick it on the fridge. Maybe even add to it as new things pop into your head. It's always good to have happy reminders around when things don't seem to be going as planned.
    Write on!
