Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I got my first B in school :o(

So I'm almost done with what they call Motorcycle Training Program. Which is pretty insignificant. But it does mean that I start my Harley Davidson specific electives in a mere two and a half weeks! Yay! The good news is, that in the past four weeks, I haven't repeted any of the following mistakes: worn my school uniform shirt inside out for the entire day, fallen asleep sitting standing or driving, sat on the floor pouting because I couldn't change an ATV tire, pinched a tire tube, slept through my alarm, been caught texting in class, tucked my work shirt into my pants AND UNDERWEAR, attempted to install exhaust backwards, run out of gas, and last, but most importantly, lost a writing untensil inside my motor! So I think I'm doing pretty good lately!

And the best news of all is that my dad is coming to visit! He is a misfit, like me. So he, myself, and some fellow misfits from school are having our own strange get-together at my tiny apartment. I don't even own a dining set. So we will be enjoying our Thanksgiving supper on a fold up card table covered in a white table clothe and served on cheap IKEA dishes. It should be a holiday to remember!

By the way....I know I haven't updated about this lately....and I think its cause I'm so nervous. Can I say this outloud? I really wanna shout it from the rooftops, but I know I can't. I feel confined, and forced to be muted. Which is so unlike me. I'm loud and energetic. So this is the only forum I have to say this....cover your ears, this might be kinda loud. MR COOKIE PROFESSOR KISSED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Happy Holidays, everyone. Till next time....


  1. Wow! Talk about a holiday to remember! Have you extended an invitation to Mr. Cookie Professor to join your Thanksgiving feast? Maybe a bit to soon to meet the folks.
    Thanksgiving is about being grateful for what we have (little or a lot) and sharing it with those we love. Your dinner party sounds like the place to be... misfits included ;-)!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Barrie! Looking forward to hearing all about "the kiss". I'm having first kiss butterflies just reading it. My Best, Bonnie

  2. Have a great thanksgiving :) Wow! I want to hear all about it asap :)
