Saturday, November 14, 2009

Somehow I just grew some balls.

This is big news! I baked some more cookies. Which means... I have another recipe to share! And this is the best one yet. I can't believe this is actually happening to me! Okay... I made homemade fortune cookies. The recipe only makes six. And only three were successful. Inside one I put a note that said "For future cookie orders..." and another I wrote "or just to stay in touch" and in the last one only had my phone number! OMG thats so brave! So here's how you make them.

Make Your Own Fortune Cookies

1 egg white
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pinch salt
1/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 cup white sugar

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Butter a cookie sheet at least in the two sections you will use. Write some ballsy fortunes on sheets of paper about 4 inches long and maybe 1/2 inch wide.

Mix the egg white and vanilla until foamy but not stiff. Sift the flour, salt, and sugar and blend into the egg white mixture.

This is where it gets tough. Gotta have the right touch. Place two teaspoonfuls pretty far apart on buttered cookie sheet. Then kinda tap it and manipute the dough into discs about 3 inches in diameter.

Bake for 5 minutes. Pull them out and have the fortunes prepared. Use a wide spatula to pry one up, and put it upside down on a flat surface. Put a fortune in the middle, and fold it in half. Then use the side of your measuring cup to fold it in half again on the flat side. Then place it in an egg carton so it will retain its shape until its cooled. Be quick about it so you can get to the next before it cools. They harden quickly. Only do as many at a time as you can shape. Just depends on how quick your hands are.

AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED??? He actually used the phone number. Only a few hours after I gave him the cookies. I slyly slid into his room during class and left them on his desk. Then later I got a text message. OMG. I freaked out. He said my cookies were amazing, just like me. EEK! He thinks I'm amazing. Long story short, we texted for a while. And he asked if I do private cookie baking tutoring. I'm so excited and nervous. This kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life. I can't beleive he actually likes me. This is amazing. Too good to be true. My head is spinning. I don't even know what to say. The english language doesn't have words that can articulate how I feel right now. I'll post more later when I'm calmer.


  1. I'm so excited for you! Really, genuinely excited... I have butterflies.

    But I'm also nervous about the professor/student thing. Just to alleviate some fear and trepidation I have (and I'm sure underneath all this excitement you have too) take a look at your school's code of conduct. You are not an undergraduate aged girl after all; you're a mid-20's woman. The taboo may not even apply here.

    Sorry to rain on your parade - it's just the Mommy in me talking. I want this to work out for you. It's really TOO exciting!!!

  2. Wow the Fortune Cookies were such a good idea!! :) And what an unexpected but exciting result!! :)

  3. The school does have a strict policy against this. Apparently because the students and teachers are the same ages most of the time, its tempting for us all to be friends. And in the past some students went drinking with a teacher, and they all got in some legal trouble. And now there are rules against it. He and I discussed this. I don't know what we will do about it though. Too soon to tell, really. I'll post more as we figure it out, of course.
