Sunday, January 3, 2010

I think I've hit a speed bump...

Life can be so complicated and confusing!!! Thats the part where real adults (because I'm still a kid, regardless of age), smirk and think how cute it is that I'm figuring out the ways of the real world.

Life isn't fair. I HATED hearing my mother repeat that to me as a child. Almost like her mantra. Anytime I complained about anything. Now I almost seem to be repeating it to myself. Just so I'll remember that I'm not owed anything in life and that things don't always work out like a Meg Ryan movie. And that is one of my biggest problems. I expect a magical, fairy tale ending in real life. Everyone knows that doesn't happen.

Anyway, I'll try to get to the point of my bitching. I'd like to mention here though that I really enjoy having this blog to vent. I love the wonderful advice you guys give, and having sympathetic ears. And also hearing that I'm not in this alone. So many other people experiencing the bumps in the road of life.

So Cookie Professor is divorced. He has two children, I beleive they are 7 and 11... or something around there. I have never met his family, we are not there yet. But he just informed me that is ex wife has MS. Which until today, I knew nothing about. He said its flaring up and he is now making arrangements to take care of his children, and eventually, her. What a terrifying thing for a family to have to cope with! I can't even fathom how scary that must be for him... even more scary for her... and how complicated and difficult that will be for their children to have to grow up with. Apparently multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system and can make you loose control of body functions. On the bright side, its not fatal.

I don't know where things are going to lead with Cookie Professor and me. Between all his jobs and his family, he already barely has time to squeeze me in. And I'm being really selfish here by saying that at a time like this. He says his life can't be this complex forever, and that I am a huge help and stress releif for him. So at least he still wants me around. But where do I fit in? Its too soon to ask that question, but I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to waste my time with someone who is unavailable. I feel extremely selfish saying any of that.

So, even though you don't know the family, please pray for her and her children. Every prayer helps! And I promise to try to start blogging happier...


  1. What horrible news, Barrie. MS not only robs the patient of control over their own body, but of there dignity as well. What must the professor and his EX-wife be going through to even have to consider reestablishing a relationship where they live together and she depends on him.
    I'm sorry to say this out loud but I don't think there is very much you can hope for given this new situation. It may be time to take a huge step back... how can you possibly continue and grow a relationship with a man who is caring for his children AND his ailing ex-wife? What can come of a pairing where the better scenario is that you have to keep your "friendship" hidden from the school? Again, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I think a true friendship and a caring ear are all you can offer this man without giving up your own life for his. I don't believe what I'm saying is selfish; it's realistic.
    I'll be thinking of you Barrie and hoping that everything works as best it can for everyone involved. Please keep us posted.

  2. Oh Barrie! My heart goes out to you! That really is a lot to digest. It's good Cookie guy is being honest with you. I think all you can do is think about the situation and take everything into consideration. Do what's best for you! :) Thoughts and prayers are with you

  3. Thanks so much for the support! I have to admit, I'm pretty frightened either way I go... Its a loose loose here for everyone involved. Thats how I feel right now anyway. :o/
