Sunday, January 17, 2010

I almost bought a new bike today.

I get the itch every two years and want to trade in my motorcycle for a newer, bigger, prettier one. And that almost happened today. Almost... And I would have gotten away with it, too. If it wasn't for my pesky friend. The one from my christmas picture. Being the voice of reason and reminding me that I don't need to go that far in debt right now. Especially when I'm a starving college student who can barely afford to eat. Damn logic ruining my fun!

1 comment:

  1. Thank God for a voice of reason! Were you not just a few posts back so broke you didn't have enough to pay your cell phone bill. Debt is why this economy is in the shape it's in. American's feel entitled to live beyond their means.
    I'm not preaching to you like a parent, but as someone who has been down the slippery slope of credit and loans before. DON'T DO IT! The momentary high will never outweigh the pain and fear of being in debt.
    When I was your age, I always thought I'd catch up so I used my cards with abandon... trips, shopping sprees, dinners in the city. So when I moved into my first apartment, with a car payment and rent and utilities plus debt, well, I had to work my career job and then a retail job at night just to make ends meet. Sometimes they didn't and I was eating peanut butter for weeks.
    It's not worth it. You made the right choice. And a week from now, you won't even be thinking about it. Trust me. Buy something cheap and shiny for the bike you have to satiate your need to spend. It will be just as good.
