Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years resolutions...

This is my second favorite picture of the holiday season. The first is too inappropriate to post on here. Unfortunately. We'll just say, it was a texted Christmas card of sorts, which I named the Christmas Moon. But this one is Rusty. Who has turned out to be one of the best friends a girl could have. He attends MMI with me, and is my neighbor. If you can't tell, our hats have elf ears...
Anyway...Yup. You read it right. Its about that time. And if you aren't thinking about it already, you better start thinking about thinking about it. Did that make sense?

I don't always make one. Really. Its an old tradition, but one with good intentions. We should all work on bettering ourselves. (unless you are a smart, sexy, funny, cookie loving motorcycle mechanic teacher, of course. In which case, you can't improve perfection)

Did you know....according to studies (thank you wiki!) only 12% of participants in said study were actually successful with their changes one year after making a resolution. And honestly, thats a better stat than I expected. Wow.

I am an over acheiver. (Ha! Can you feel the sarcasm?) So this year I will make not just one resolution, but a whole list. To make up for all the prior New Years that have passed without a second thought of a promise. So here we go...in no particular order:

1. Take more responsibility for my actions. Don't make excuses for myself. There isn't much in the world that gets under my skin more than being in an argument with someone who says in a facicious tone of voice "Yeah, because GOD knows YOU could NEVER be WRONG!". Ugh! But mostly because I don't want that person to think I really feel that way. Because I actually believe I'm wrong most of the time. I just have to learn to admit and accept it.

2. Stop writing rediculously long run on sentences in my blogs.

3. Blog more.

4. Sleep more.

5. Eat healthier. Perhaps in combination with getting off my fat butt and EXCERSIZING!

6. Call my mother more often. I know at this point in her life she needs me more than ever. Sometimes I feel like a bad daughter. At least she knows I love her.

7. Start a cribbage club in my neighborhood. Everyone loves to play, even if they don't know it yet. And it would be a great way to relax and bond with my neighbors and fellow students.

8. Stop flirting with smart, funny, sexy cookie loving motorcycle mechanic teachers. Knowing him has been a dream come true. It really has. We have so much in common. And I adore our time together. The problem is, we don't get time together. He is a workaholic. And between class and my job, and the fact that we can't be seen together, we just never get a chance to even sit down for coffee. And it seems that we've come to a point in our relationship, friendship, whateveryouwannacallitship, where we have to change something. Either give up and walk away, or make an effort to be together. Maybe I'm being an impatient, needy young girl. But I can't change who I am and what I want. Now for the hard part....telling him that!

So thats it. My eight resolutions. The main ones. Now I want to know, what are yours?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Home for the holidays!

Like most students, I am out of school for the week. Hooray! And, thanks to a friend loning me their car, I was able to come home for Christmas. I arrived Saturday afternoon.

For my welcoming, my mother decided to cook me a home made dinner! She was trying to decide between blackened chicken and chicken pot pie. Instead she combined the two and blackened the chicken pot pie. We set off the fire alarm in the apartment building three seperate times. Welcome home! I bet our neighbors love us!

Tonight is Honey's birthday. And we are having a big to-do! My mom made a homemade cake, and wrapped her some presents. She's making us another delicious dinner and all the family who are in town are coming over for the celebration. Did I mention that Honey is a DOG!!! Although my mother would never tell you that. My mom calls Honey my sister. And I'm sure someday when I have children, she will be their aunt. WOW is all I have to say... WOW.

And for a romantic update, things with Mr Cookie Monster are progressing wonderfully. He's so sweet and funny and strong and hansom and perfect. (can you see my pupils shaping into little hearts yet) He calls me adorable pet names and sometimes we have breakfast dates at 5 am because we have to really struggle to find time to spend together. But the struggle is more than worth it. I am soooooooooooooooooo happy to even have the opportunity to get to know him better and spend this time together. YAY!

Happy Holidays to you and your quirky families as well! May you eat more cookies than any human should and all your Christmas wishes come true!!!