Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today I was cleaning my apartment in preperation for my boo's parents' impending visit. They're coming this weekend from Missouri. I found an old envelope from the bank. I walked toward the trash bag in the middle of the room containing miscelanious other findings from a pack rat. I though the envelope felt thick, and assuming it held a receipt within. As I peeled back the thin walls of the envelope, within laid a treasure I never expected. Right there, as green as the palm trees visible through my screened in balcony, laid three whole dollars! Now I'm unemployed, so three dollars opens up a world of excitement, imagination, and possibility. I think I'll use it to do one load of laundry. Is it fate that the amound I found is the exact cost to wash and dry one load? To this hopeless daydreaming romantic, I'm gonna say YES it is!!!