Sunday, May 30, 2010

Quick update

I know its been a while, but my life has been swept up in a tornado and tossed around. I'm trying to replace everything to normal, but its harder than I thought.

Well, I lost my job. Apparently they frown on texting on the job. The story they gave me is that the big boss over all the stores does random checks of our security tapes. And she caught me using my phone on the sales floor. Which is no big deal, really, because I was unhappy there anyway.

The big negative is that it was a job at Harley Davidson. It was just at their retail store, and I basically spent my days folding tee shirts. But it was still a job with the company. Now, I go to school to be a Harley Davidson mechanic. So I got fired from the company that I'm paying $30,000 to go to school to learn how to work for. So I'm sure that won't look good on my resume.

I'm sure it will all work out, though. I'm the go with the flow type of girl. Take it easy. Everything happens for a reason, right? I truely beleive that. I just try to be the best person that I can and trust with blind faith that everything will fall into its rightful place. And it usually does, in a strange way.

Rusty and I are still together. He moved into my apartment to help me financially. It will be much cheaper for both of us to just live together. Even though we've only been dating a few months.

I feel like our relationship is being rushed. Pushed faster than most should, which adds more stress to it. We moved in together faster than normal for financial reasons. But mostly what is pushing us is our impending decision. I graduate in the beginning of October, and he will graduate six weeks later in mid December. And then we have to leave Orlando and go start a life. Do we do that together and continue our relationship? He's from Missouri and I'm from Georgia. So if we were to stay together, we'd have to mutually agree on a place to live and both find jobs there (which is the same job for the same company...what are the chances?). We were thinking Tennessee because its a good half way point between our home towns. But the thought is still scary. I'm also a little scared of not choosing him and always wondering what if...

Anyway, thats enough for now. More to come soon. I hope you all enjoy your holiday weekend, and be safe!